Wednesday, March 17, 2010



This is the class you’ve been waiting for!!!

HEY! You thought that socks were hard ... not so! We will teach you how to knit in the round, make a heel and end up with a wonderful woollen sock. And you will be so proud of yourself! Cost includes pattern and instruction and a credit of $15.00 towards wool. Does not include needles or taxes, or a tap dance.

Friday, April 9, 23 & 30;

10:30 - 12. $75

P.S. I was going to put a picture of socks here, but i figured you already knew what they looked like!!!!! 'cause you are very smart students!!!

Make the Penguin Vest - too cute for summer!

Penguin Vest

Simple, cool in cotton and a flattering shape for everyone.

Cost includes pattern, instruction and $30 credit towards yarn. Needles, buttons and taxes extra. Learn some very simple shaping and a cute button closure.

See the picture - we'll be removing the sleeves to make it a true vest!

Friday March 26, April 9 & 23;
1:30 - 3 p.m. $75

So, you're going to give someone a hand-knit pressie?

As always, we empahsize quality: after all, garbage in, garbage out. Sorry acrylic lovers, but there you have it. And in these days of ecco everything, please know that acrylic is .... wait for it ... plastic. In essence. Really, do you want that on your body? My hands sweat just knitting it! And oddly, some of these acrylic knitters will ask for bamboo needles, because they're natural. Hmmm, a little lack of continuity here.

Having said that, i know we have die-hard acrylic knitters who are convinced that anyone they knit for (and by the way, it's usually the daughter-in-law - funny, that!) will screw up hand-knit woollens.

So here's Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's thoughts on woollens:

"When i give hand-knit presents, i tell people to wash their new woolies the way they would wash a baby: no hot water, no swishing, no scrubbing or wringing out. Use gentle shampoo (it's hair, after all), keep the thing supported on the way out of the water, never put it in the dryer, and don't hang it up. This seems to put it in terms everyone can understand, and nobody's wrecked a knit (or a baby) yet."

I love Stephanie!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


What are you working on?

I have a lovely shawl i'm completing - 7 rows to go. However i had to increase 3 stitches in EACH stitch for a ruffle.

That's +1000 on my needles.

Just have to finish 7 rows.

One row takes 45 minutes.

Did i mention the tendonitis? In my shoulder? And my elbow?

No. I'm ok. Forging forward.

One row takes 45 minutes. (i know, i already said that, but really!!!! One Row!!!?????)



What are you working on?

Friday, March 12, 2010

website issues and new product.

to those wonderful people who read my blog and my website - i apologize for the lateness of updates on website. Something happened. Either my brain exploded or theirs did. What i used to do easily, all of a sudden does not work ARRRRGGGG!


Working on it.

Stay tuned.

PS Got new Namaste Bags in - in eggplant, hollywood pink and lime green. oooooooooo.

... ssshhhh ... don't make any sudden moves ....

Sssssssshhhhhhh .... Taryn is knitting ...... and she seems to be liking it ..... sssshhhh.... nobody make any sudden moves ..... as soon as i can capture her on a photo i will ..... she's like a very rare Alteranbusserinmen. Yeah. That's right. REALLY RARE!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ooooo - time for tea??

Isn't it time for tea? It's always time for tea!

All our tea pots are on sale - 20% off marked price.

For this price, you can buy two! And why wouldn't you?

But hurry - there's not many left!

P.S. These lovely beauties are resting on my
great, great grandmothers afghan. Nice
connection to the past, i'm sure you'd agree.