Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's raining!

Good day to cuddle up and knit!

Or unpack the dozens of boxes of new yarn that has just arrived and will continue to arrive over the next month!!!!

I know!

Stay tuned for pics!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Now i KNOW we're headed for fall!

How do i know?

Classes are filling up! (plus the nights are getting cooler, and it is August and that's a big clue right there, and people want to knit socks!)

Want to let you know about 3 classes:

Dying to Dye - Monday September 12th.
All day workshop at my home in the country!
Learn colour theory, mixing dyes, and handpainting 3 types of yarn. You will go home with sock yarn, worsted weight and Seacell/Silk blend.
And you will have had a blast!

Friendship Shawl - Monday September 12th and 26th @ 10:30 in the morning.
Beautiful lacy, delicate ladylike shawl - perfect for a wedding, a chilly night or just when you want to look spectacular!
(PS - we can do it in Chunky yarn too - your choice!)

Socks, socks, socks! - Friday August 19th, and September 2 & 9 (i know this date differs from published list, but we're nothing if not flexible!) You will finish the sessions with one sock; now you gotta go home and make the second one (and no fair looking for a one-legged man to wear the ONE sock!)

Sign up soon - you KNOW you'll have fun! Plus, you get 10% discount on course materials on day of class.