Sunday, May 29, 2011

i ... just ... dont' think ... that .... i .... can

reach my arm around to pat myself on my back, like i should!

Seriously - in the last three days i have finished my friends bday gift (beauty socks made with beauty yarn i bought in beauty Maine two years ago!), a child's vest (a la golfing, no less) and a Frill seeker Lite Metallic scarf (yes, it really only takes 1/2 a ball!)

Yes. I'm proud of myself. So proud, i even took a picture! and yes i am blocking - you are too, right? and again, it's quite ingenious how i work the name of the shop in to the picture, eh?

What have you got going on? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hey ... i've got a good idea!

How about we do a "Knit Along?" I pick the project (or we could go all night!) and we meet every couple of weeks or so to see how we're doing and encourage one another?

I have often wanted to make the scarf/shawl shown below. But i lacked the time and the energy and i need a team to encourage me (just like you!).

Why don't we do it together???

This is a very well known scarf, knit by a girl who lived in Paris. French women are known for wearing scarves. Starting in September and until summer arrives, this is a most important accessory. The scarf may be striped or patterned, colorful, wrinkled and is much bigger than the scarves you probably have. Women just wrap the scarf around their neck in a "Je suis belle et ça ne demande aucun effort*" sort of way and off they go. And we'll be done by September! It's called the Clapotis. Don't know what that means, but it's french so it's FABULOUS!

Oooolala! A certain "je ne c'est quoi?" do you think?

What say you? We can do it! We only have to try!

Here's the dets: no charge, 10% discount if you purchase yarn here, meet every two weeks beginning June 22 (that's my brothers bday so it's a good day!)

C'mon! Let's do it. We can even do it sitting outside in the sun!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

knitting ... gardening ... walking with an umbrella ...

... it's hard to know what to do this spring, isn't it? Here, in Uxbridge we've had a record 100 and something days without sun. Wicked for those with SAD.

Here's my solution.

Knit something that's bright and sunny!
Can't hurt and just might help!
How about a sunny yellow cotton? Make a nice cotton vest for those cool (and damp) nights.

How about fushia or hot pink?

How about cool blues to cool you down when the hot weather starts ('cause it will, you know it will!)

Got a gorgeous shawl pattern i just picked up and two weddings for the fall. I'm thinking that a wonderful Misti Alpaca Lace yarn will be just the thing!!!

Hope to see you in soon. We have lots of solutions for all your issues!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Frill Seeker ...

is back! And we are announcing Frill Seeker Metallic! It's just a little narrower than regular frill seeker, but has a metallic thread running through it! Really really Beautiful!

I can't hold any balls for anyone - you'll just have to come in and see for yourself!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I have been remiss ...

... i have not been blogging. There. I said it. And here's something else i'll say. APPARENTLY moving shop takes a really, really, really lot of time.

But i'm back ... i think ....

Here's a little titbit for you: lots of Ladies have been asking for patterns short sleeved, t-shirt kinda tops, and they aren't always easy to find. But i found 'em!

Go to your local bookstore (if they sell knitting mags) or chapters otherwise; buy the summer edition of knitscene, from the publishers of Inerweave KNITS. There are some really great cute tops (by a designer called Christoffers, no less) that will satisfy your cravings for summer t's!