Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Anne, KIP and sales, sales, sales!

If you didn't manage to make it to the shop for the Anne of Green Gables Festival - you missed a real treat! We had a wonderful Country Fair, under pretty white tents, reminiscent of Anne's days. There was a knitting bee (populated by our very own KnitWits), in support of KIP (did you know that it was the third International Knitting in Public Day?) We had our good friend Judy Findlay, master spinner, spinning alpaca and taking on all and sundry for a quick lesson. And for those who wished, slightly naughty t-shirts with our logo on the front and risque sayings on the back!

We also had an old fashioned apothecary, wine tasting, ice cream for the little and big kids, baby lambs and real live exotic Alpaca's! Northfork Farms supported us with their Alpaca's and they came armed with all sorts of information! (i want one, but Purl would be put out)

Yes, it's been busy around here - Gonna be even busier 'cause we're gonna have some big sales! We've got to - i just spent hours with reps buying for the winter. And we've need more space! So come in - all Cottons are 25% off for the month of June! and there are still lots of colours to choose from.

And a door crasher sale: Real Worsted - $1.00 per ball! Great for afghans, children's sweaters, dog sweaters! Goes in the washer and dryer! Stock up - This sale will not be repeated.

Remember that if you want to get away from the laundry and dishes, Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 is drop in day. Drop in with your knitting, pick up a project while you're here and enjoy yourself!

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