Friday, April 24, 2009

... hey! i've got a good idea!

My family hates it when i say that - it usually means "hey! Let's paint the kitchen!" or "Wouldn't it be a good idea to put another perennial bed here?"

But that's not what this is. You know when you are used to doing things one way, and all of a sudden something occurs to you - Wham! Just like that? (Oprah calls them 'aha moments'. Whatever.)

Well, i had one of those. I decided to work out a t-shirt pattern using some really funky cotton/poly blend called Cilantro (i like the name, hate the herb.) Oh, oh. WAY too stretchy. Even tho' it's for a t-shirt. But i already started one ball - can't sell it if it's already been pulled out.

Wait a minute! Chemo caps are wonderful in cotton - but unfortunately cotton has no memory so once you stretch it to put on your head, it kinda stays that shape. Not very attractive.

BUT Cilantro has cotton/poly - nice and stretchy.

WHAM! new yarn product for chemo caps. i'll let you know how they work out. Hopefully this is an 'aha' moment; not an 'oh no' moment!

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