Saturday, August 14, 2010

oh. It's Saturday...

Mini kvetch

Geeze - off i go to talk to my local fireman expert, and oh, it's Saturday. Then i thought i would call my bank and see if i could straighten out my banking charges (read, reduce them) and oh, it's Saturday. Then i thought i would contact my suppliers and find out exactly where all my ordered wool is anyway, and oh, oh. It's Saturday.

WELL. I gotta work. Why don't they?

Mini kvetch is over.

Prepare to get excited - new yarn arriving weekly! I've been pushing and shoving (not people, yarn) and selling like mad to make space for the new beauties! New ArtYarn has arrived - just look at these beauties. And the softer-than-air wonderful one skein scarves for someone really special - like you!

Here for your shopping pleasure... today and tomorrow.
(Except i'll be opening tomorrow at 1:30 for that day only. Funeral. Sorry.)

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