Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Now i KNOW we're headed for fall!

How do i know?

Classes are filling up! (plus the nights are getting cooler, and it is August and that's a big clue right there, and people want to knit socks!)

Want to let you know about 3 classes:

Dying to Dye - Monday September 12th.
All day workshop at my home in the country!
Learn colour theory, mixing dyes, and handpainting 3 types of yarn. You will go home with sock yarn, worsted weight and Seacell/Silk blend.
And you will have had a blast!

Friendship Shawl - Monday September 12th and 26th @ 10:30 in the morning.
Beautiful lacy, delicate ladylike shawl - perfect for a wedding, a chilly night or just when you want to look spectacular!
(PS - we can do it in Chunky yarn too - your choice!)

Socks, socks, socks! - Friday August 19th, and September 2 & 9 (i know this date differs from published list, but we're nothing if not flexible!) You will finish the sessions with one sock; now you gotta go home and make the second one (and no fair looking for a one-legged man to wear the ONE sock!)

Sign up soon - you KNOW you'll have fun! Plus, you get 10% discount on course materials on day of class.

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