Monday, October 24, 2011

It's Monday afternoon ...

and i'm making Pom Poms. Why? Hmmmmm ... stay tuned!

So what do you do on your day off?

A little gardening? A little housework? Make meals for the rest of the week? Walk the dog? Stack wood?

Beause that's what i did! Well, not exclusively, 'cause remember i made Pom Poms!

Looking forward to this evening when, sitting by the fire, sipping wine (or not 'cause i'm trying to loose weight!), and working out the BSJ pattern. Stay tuned for photos of the BSJ and our hard working Knit Wits that have been deciphering the pattern along with me...

What's BSJ? Okay. I'll tell you. Baby Surprise Jacket.

Yeah. It's a surprise all right.

Pictures on the way!

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