Wednesday, July 20, 2011

you know .... an ice cube down the ...

bra used to do wonders to cool me off. I didn't get that wet t-shirt because ... i digress.

Okay. I give.

It's prooooooobably a little too hot to knit today.

So you can have a day off.

(Not me though! i finished 3 felted bowls and a really cool scarf called with Berroco yarn called Link.)

But you rest.

You've deserved it.

And to get you sufficiently hydrated; i lifted (read, stole!) a recipe from STYLE AT HOME (a terrific website by the way.

"This is the dreamiest drink i’ve had in ages. So agree the friends I most recently shared it with. They, like me, love how it’s naturally sweetened with honey. It’s a lot of fun to serve in chilled jelly glasses.

Also, the young, soft white seeds in a "seedless" watermelon are perfectly fine to ingest. Actually, they make your drink look even more watermelon-y "

4 cups 2-inch cubes watermelon
1 cup vodka, chilled
2 tablespoons honey (see note)
Garnish: small watermelon wedges with rind (optional)

Freeze the watermelon chunks in a zip-top plastic bag until just frozen, about 1 hour. Remove from the freezer and add to a blender. Pour in the vodka and honey. Process until blended and pour into frosted cocktail or jelly glasses. Garnish, if desired.

Note Use standard honey (say, clover) instead of a dark or other strongly flavored version; otherwise it’ll change the drink’s flavor in a disappointing way."

You're welcome.


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