JUST in case you thought you were the only one who had several UFO's (unfinished objects to the uninitiated), i thought i would bring you up-to-date on what's revolving around my knitting chair, or rather my knitting nest, as Taryn calls it. I'm gonna take a picture one of these days!
Christmas Socks for Christopher - cuff done on one.
Baby Sweater for display in shop - back done and most of one sleeve
Summer "T" that i'm TEACHING - back done, 1/4 of front (thank goodness it has short sleeves!)
Dominican Shawl in Giotto - cast on, oops, pulled off. Gotta start again.
Debbie Bliss Shawl - stalled.
Christmas stocking - demo to be done to teach. Not done. Yarn selected.
Dying to Dye workshop - gotta prepare the jigs for Socks and get one dyed. Not. Right. Now.
Diamond's Famous Sweater - not on the needles yet.
Leaf and Vine Scarf - not on the needles yet.
Master Knitters Course - got 8 sections out of 30 done.
In my mind, in order to be a KNITTER, one must have many projects started, many in the mind and many not on the needles yet.
I have heard of people who actually begin a project, execute it, finish it, BLOCK IT. And wear it. Hmmmm. What a concept.
One can but dream...