Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Just in case you thought you were the only one!

JUST in case you thought you were the only one who had several UFO's (unfinished objects to the uninitiated), i thought i would bring you up-to-date on what's revolving around my knitting chair, or rather my knitting nest, as Taryn calls it. I'm gonna take a picture one of these days!

Christmas Socks for Christopher - cuff done on one.
Baby Sweater for display in shop - back done and most of one sleeve
Summer "T" that i'm TEACHING - back done, 1/4 of front (thank goodness it has short sleeves!)
Dominican Shawl in Giotto - cast on, oops, pulled off. Gotta start again.
Debbie Bliss Shawl - stalled.
Christmas stocking - demo to be done to teach. Not done. Yarn selected.
Dying to Dye workshop - gotta prepare the jigs for Socks and get one dyed. Not. Right. Now.
Diamond's Famous Sweater - not on the needles yet.
Leaf and Vine Scarf - not on the needles yet.
Master Knitters Course - got 8 sections out of 30 done.

In my mind, in order to be a KNITTER, one must have many projects started, many in the mind and many not on the needles yet.

I have heard of people who actually begin a project, execute it, finish it, BLOCK IT. And wear it. Hmmmm. What a concept.

One can but dream...

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