Thursday, June 25, 2009

KnitLit or the On The Lamb Knitterary Literary Society or ....

New things all the time - that's us! So it's time to have an open evening at On The Lamb.

There are more than enough Stitch n' Bitch groups (and isn't that title kind of derogatory?) So, we are going to have a KnitLit Night. It's a no cost, no teach, drop in and chat night. Of course, we would always be available to handle any purchases, should you wish it so.

Here are the details:

3rd Wednesday of each month, at 7:30 you are invited to come to On The Lamb, sit, knit and chat about a book! Fun eh? The first date is September 16. The first book is The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood.

We won't always be reading 'knitting' books, but i thought it would be a good place to start. Following books will be picked by all of us! Once a month. No homework. No intensity. No insanity.

Only one rule will apply: respect for others opinions. (But isn't that life, anyway?)
Oh, and we kinda need a name ... throw them out there! Let's be original and creative!

Please come - meet some new people who share an interest in knitting and in books.

Head Wool Gatherer and Literary Hound

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