Tuesday, June 16, 2009

my brush with greatness!

I've been to TNNA (the National Needle Arts Assoc.) meeting this past weekend in Columbus, Ohio; my feet are swollen and sore from all the walking BUT  i've seen the trends, the colours, and  the textures. (I worked way too hard on matching cute shoes with cute outfits - not enough time was spent making sure i had sensible walking shoes!)

Varigated is still popular - thicks-and-thins are prevalent - colour, colour, colour  everywhere - feminine shaping is key - continuing with "not fussy" patterns for babies - luxurious yarns are rampant. Watch for glimpses of a shimmer in daytime wool. And also, continuing emphasis on wool that is not tightly plied. 

A quick synopsis: I didn't order Qivuit ($98/skein wholesale!) Left behind the "pom-pom" yarns. Heard that the Europeans are mad for Novelty yarn. (Huh? Where were they the first time round?) Did see some lovely stuff from Wales. I revisited old friends and made some new ones. Oh, and i had Goat Cheese and Cherry ice cream. 

The fun stuff: i met Debbie Bliss and her daughter Nell! Of course they don't allow you to take any pictures in the convention center, sooooo ...  the drawing will have to do. Didn't mention the Prima issues. I also met Louisa Harding - just as lovely as Debbie, but, alas, no picture.

1 comment:

Soper Creek Yarn said...

You are just too funny, it was like I was there too! Next year maybe!